A Thank You To My Clients | Your Stories From 2019
2019 In Review | Tai Lee Photography
I have included photos from every single session I did this year and chose to include photos that were not the expected shot. Some of them may make sense right away as you look at them, and some you might need to look at a little longer to find what you can see there. They are not typcial, standard, expected photos which is why I chose to post them. I want you to be able to see things in a new way. Gain a new perspective. I’d love to hear in the comments section which ones really spoke to you. Thanks for being here.
2019 was such a learning year for me in my business in SO many ways! I did some things that I’m super proud of, I tried new things, some worked, some I wasn’t a fan of, and I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I had an overarching goal that I set out to achieve not only for myself but for my clients as well. That goal was to learn how to see things differently, and by doing so, show them how to see things differently as well—to help them see how awesome their lives are and shed beauty on some things that are obvious and some things that could be seemingly insignificant.
I went into every single session trying not to just go for the obvious, easy shots, but to look beyond that, to capture a scene, a detail, a movement, in a unique way. I wanted to create art for them that had meaning. Not just something you would pick up at Ikea in the print section, but something that they connected to not only visually but emotionally as well. My hope is that I was able to show them through photos that they matter. Their families matter. Their experiences are significant. I think we often feel small and insignificant in this technology age we are living in. We see so many photos of other people and their lives. We see people “making it”, and can feel like we aren’t as good, important, pretty, or whatever, you fill in the blank. The truth is, we all have that same beauty in our lives. And I want to thank each one of you for inviting me in, and allowing me to show you that. Thank you for trusting me to create for you, with you.
Thank you for showing up and being you, which allows me to show up and be me. It’s so awesome to come together with so many different people, couples, women, families and see what we can make. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. Here’s to another year of spending time with awesome people who are willing to share a piece of their lives and allow me to create something new and unique for them. You guys are all awesome!